Concert of foreign-Estonian folkdance groups “Ühendusmaa on Eestimaa”
Sunday, July 7 2019 at 12:00
Vabaduse Square, Tallinn
Concert of foreign-Estonian folkdance groups
“Ühendusmaa on Eestimaa”
340 dancers from 13 countries who dance Estonian dances take part in the concert. They are from Finland, Sweden, Norway, Belgium, Netherlands, USA, Canada, Australia, Russia, England, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg. The folk art ensembles Leigarid and Koidupuna are also involved.
The idea of the concert was created by MTÜ Tantsupeomuuseum team led by Angela Arraste and Ülo Luht already in August 2018, when the summer course of foreign-Estonian dance teachers at Kihnu island and Paikuse took place. As a positive motivative fact that the record number of foreign dance groups were registered for the 2019 National Dance Celebration, it was decided to present these groups at a special concert aswell.
“Ühendusmaa on Eestimaa” brings the foreign-Estonian groups to the common dance floor. The groups have their own fascinating story and traditions to preserve Estonian culture. Each group has its own face – as in every village in Estonia also in these worldwide “villages of Estonia” they keep the tradition while dancing in their way.
When thinking together creates a common field of mind, then dancing together creates a common space, or a field of connection. The topic of global Estonia is actual and seeing a common Estonia also outside our country’s borders becomes more and more important.
At the end of the concert we also ask the spectators to dance to further support the common sense of Estonia.
Directors of the concert: Karmen Ong and Jaan Ulst.
The project is led by MTÜ Tantsupeomuuseum.
The concert is 50 minutes long and the entrance is free.
Supporters: Eesti Kultuurkapitali Rahvakultuuri sihtkapital, Tallinna Kultuuriamet, Tallinna linn, Integratsiooni Sihtasutus and Tallinna Kesklinna Valitsus.
Cooperation partners: Tallinna Teeninduskooli õpilaskodu and Laulu- ja Tantsupeo SA.